Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Washington Post: Trump’s influential son-in-law went to Harvard. Is this how Jared Kushner got in?

Trump's influential son-in-law went to Harvard. Is this how Jared Kushner got in?
The Washington Post

Kushner is President-elect Donald Trump's son-in-law and a confidant. Read the full story

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Sunday, October 23, 2016

The New York Times: How to Save Money on Car Rentals

How to Save Money on Car Rentals
The New York Times

To get a good deal on a rental car, avoid picking up at the airport and consider lesser-known brands. Read the full story

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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Jérémie Haiti Before The Hurricane

After Hurricane Matthew Haiti

Up Close And Personal Hurricane Matthew Haiti

An up close and personal documentation of the Haiti Hurricane and how people cope by packing and killing livestocks . The devastation of one man stuck in the island and using his cell phone. For 16 years Medicoeur Melus has contributed to his homeland while working in the U.S . He sent those pictures to and his organization registered in the South Florida ICOFE International Coalition of Family for Education. The situation is dire as you can see and Donations can be given HERE...

See More Pics of Hurricane Matthew Devastation Here

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Tweet by Men's Health Mag on Twitter

Men's Health Mag (@MensHealthMag)
The toothpaste aisle always has something new—here are the one that actually work:

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Saturday, September 3, 2016

How one immigrant started a $78 million company from his parents' basement

"My dad, he always wanted me to have the attitude of solving problems," Tang said. "It was about not giving up." Read More here

Another Great Read

My Haitian-American Journey Realizing Our Individual Dreams Can Benefit Everyone in our Communities. Great article by Jacques Jiha Here

Monday, August 29, 2016

The New York Times: With Dogs, It’s What You Say — and How You Say It

With Dogs, It's What You Say — and How You Say It
The New York Times

New research suggests that dogs respond to meaning and intonation in human voices. Read the full story

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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Tweet by Mayo Clinic on Twitter

Mayo Clinic (@MayoClinic)
Early treatment of #stroke can lessen or reverse the effects. Hear how from Dr. David Miller

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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Tweet by Entrepreneur on Twitter

Entrepreneur (@Entrepreneur)
This cheat sheet will help you increase your own productivity, get the most out of your day and stay ahead.

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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Shared from Twitter: 4 Fashionable Tricks You Should Know | Men's Health

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Shared from Twitter: 5 Tactics to Win a Negotiation, According to an FBI Agent

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Shared from Twitter: 5 blue-collar jobs that pay $100,000 a year - MarketWatch

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Commentary: The Haitian-Dominican marketplace | Caribbean News Now

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Tweet by FRONTLINE on Twitter

FRONTLINE (@frontlinepbs)
9/27: Hear from those who know Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump best — friends & family, advisors & adversaries.…

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Monday, July 18, 2016

Rainbow Captured From a Drone

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Shared from Twitter: High-fat Mediterranean diet has more benefits, says study -

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Shared from Twitter: Dubdub Looks to Make a Big Impact With Simple Video Edits | Digital Trends

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Shared from Twitter: This is how to be happier, according to brain science | World Economic Forum

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Shared from Twitter: Trump leads the west’s flight from dignity —

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016 How artificial intelligence could help warn us of another Dallas - The Washington Post

How artificial intelligence could help warn us of another Dallas - The Washington Post

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We Dont Give Up, In Haiti

by Lucy Lee /

The difficulties that parents overcome to access education for their children, and Billy Jean's own story, show the spirit and determination of the Haitian people.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Tweet by The Economist on Twitter

The Economist (@TheEconomist)
American writer William Faulkner—author of "As I lay dying"—died #onthisday 1962

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Shared from Twitter: 10 decisions guaranteed to change your financial future - MarketWatch

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Shared from Twitter: Trading: What happened when the pit stopped -

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Shared from Twitter: Tiny houses are trendy, minimalist and often illegal | PBS NewsHour

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Tweet by Halldor Bragason on Twitter

Halldor Bragason (@bluesice)
Iceland Lost at Euro 2016 but It Won Twitter

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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Shared from Twitter: The selfie is now deadlier than Jaws - MarketWatch

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The First Haiti Media Daily Click Link To Read

Sent from my iPhone At Disney, Reality Shadows a Fantasy World

From The New York Times:

At Disney, Reality Shadows a Fantasy World

After tragedies in Orlando, Fla., and the introduction of metal detectors, the Disney theme parks find it harder to keep the magic front and center.

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NBA Mock Draft: Nuggets Select Skal Labissiere After Trade With Phoenix - Ridiculous Upside

Haitian Entrepreneurs Attend Global Entrepreneurship Summit — PADF

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Grand’Pierre named to Haitian Olympic Team

The latest addition to the team, Atlanta resident, Naomy Grand’Pierre, has this to say about joining the Haitian Olympic Swimming team: “I look forward to representing my Atlanta Dolphins Swim Team and certainly the country of Haiti on one of the most prestigious stages of competition.” Many local members of the Haitian community here in Atlanta are excited about what this means for not only a young Haitian-American but all Haitians across the world to participate in the Olympics. Naomy’s parents, Reginald and Clio Grand’Pierre, who are influential leaders within the local Haitian community want to get across that they know first-hand what swimming has done for their family and are excited to share the long-lasting benefits of swimming beyond the 2016 Olympics and throughout Haiti. Read More Here

Michele B Duvalier MES POINTS SUR LES I


A Jean Claude, a Papa et a Stephane Bruno.
Il y a moins d'un mois, j'ai ouvert pour la premiere fois une page sur facebook. Eh oui! Je suis la petite nouvelle sur facebook dont je ne connais pas encore tous les rouages! Les "share" les "pokes", les "blocks"les"edit" les "delete"etc... Parfois, je perds mon latin. Mais croyez moi, j'apprends vite! Tres vite.

J'ai pense que c'etait une etape par laquelle je devais passer pour m'exprimer comme toute citoyenne haitienne sur differents sujets socio-politiques concernant mon pays, Haiti.
Apres 3 semaines, je suis en mesure de faire un bilan positif de mon existence sur facebook avec 6 petits posts seulement, et moins de 500 "friends", qui augmentent de jour en jour a une vitesse vertigineuse, et je profite pour dire a ceux qui me demandent comme "amie" de me laisser un peu de temps pour les "accepter" car je suis seule, un peu debordee et sans aide, aussi, je m' excuse du retard pris a repondre a l'attente de tous.

Je ne m'etais pas rendu compte que c'etait un boulot presque a temps plein. Entre les posts des "amis" a lire, les liens a ouvrir, les commentaires a repondre, les anniversaires a souhaiter, les dizaines de messages (inbox) que je recois chaque jour, les "likes" a mettre,  je me suis demande si j'avais raison d'avoir ouvert ma page.

Reflexion faite, je ne le regrette pas, car j'ai ete agreablement surprise par l'accueil chaleureux qui
m'a ete reserve et je remercie de tout mon coeur mes chers "amis".

Neanmoins, malgre une majorite de commentaires a 99% positifs sur mes differents posts, j'ai remarque une tendance venant surtout de la gent masculine a faire des commentaires desobligeants envers ma famille et moi, allant meme a proferer des insultes ou des menaces quand ce n'est pas pour critiquer mon physique. Et c'est a ces messieurs que j'aimerais m'adresser maintenant.

Je ne citerai pas vos noms, pas par ce que vous n'en valez pas la peine, mais pour ne pas vous jeter en pature au public de facebook, qui pourrait etre intraitable avec vous! Vous qui ne respectez pas les femmes, qui sont tres nombreuses sur facebook, mais vous pourrez aisement vous y reconnaitre.

A Messieurs X,Y, Untel et Tartempion,

see original post here

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Friday, June 17, 2016

Office Depot to Hire for Back To School

Fortune (@FortuneMagazine)
Office Depot to hire 8,000 workers for back-to-school season

Haiti’s mobile redemption - Fortune

Haiti's mobile redemption - Fortune from Jonathan Solomon's Tweet

Shared from Twitter: Meet Pascale Elie; Co-Founder of HaitiPay, a Mobile Payment Solution Based in Haiti | Innov8tiv

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Tweet by Scientific American on Twitter

Scientific American (@sciam)
How Kevlar saved an Orlando police officer's life

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Tweet by Travel - State Dept on Twitter

Travel - State Dept (@TravelGov)
What happens if someone loses passport while abroad? US embassy can help! #studentsabroad

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Tweet by The Hill on Twitter

The Hill (@thehill)
American Medical Association goes to war with GOP over gun violence research:

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Tweet by Inc. on Twitter

Inc. (@Inc)
Surprise! The first big company brave enough to serve the cannabis industry is...Microsoft. @MindaZetlin

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Tweet by Slate on Twitter

Slate (@Slate)
Trump's polling is catastrophic. What does the GOP do now?

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Tweet by Haiti News Network on Twitter

Haiti News Network (@HaitiNewsNet)
Portugal, Cristiano Ronaldo s'amuse à l'entraînement ! - La star portugaise a impressionné ce vendredi lors de ...

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Shared from Twitter: Where Prisoners Can Do Anything, Except Leave -

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Showing Haiti on Its Own Terms - National Geographic Magazine

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Michel Stéphane Bruno assassiné…

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Michele B. Duvalier Letter to the passing of IT Expert Michel Stephane Bruno

Cher Stephane,
Je ne te connaissais pas. J'ai appris ta mort brutale par les reseaux sociaux en fin d'apres-midi. Et je me suis dit encore un assassinat en Haiti. Mais en regardant ton profile sur facebook, j'ai realise que je t' avais fait la demande d' etre ton "amie" il y a tout juste 2 jours car on a 16 "amis" en commun et tu n'as pas eu le temps de me repondre.
Comment pourrais-je rester indifferente a ton deces, Stephane, toi qui a failli etre mon ami?
Quand je regarde de plus pres ton profile, tu viens d'avoir 42 ans,tu es marie a Mica et vous avez deux enfants en bas age.
En lisant plus loin, j'ai ete impressionnee par ton curriculum vitae. Des etudes scolaires et universitaires brillantes. Tu t'es specialise dans les hautes technologies particulierement le secteur des mobiles. D'ailleurs tu etais jusqu'a hier soir le Directeur Executif du Departement Digital de la Sogebank, apres avoir aide le Gouvernement de Madagascar a mettre sur pied le paiement par mobile. Tu as occupe des postes tres importants a l'UNDP (ONU) et a l'USAID.
Je prefere m'arreter la, car tu pourrais faire des jaloux dans le milieu professionel.
Mon cher Stephane, mon ami, ne m'en veux pas de te feliciter que maintenant pour ton parcours professionnel, car on s'est rate de 2 petits jours pour que tu m'acceptes comme "amie".
Stephane, je te demande pardon. Pardon pour ceux qui t'ont lachement assassine! Je te demande pardon, car tu ne pourras pas voir grandir tes enfants, Elo et Loic. Pardon car tu ne pourras plus serrer ta femme, Mica, dans tes bras. Pardon, car tu as ete enleve a ta mere, Anne-Marie, qui comme toutes les meres, etait ton recours, ton abri, ta consolation.
Et enfin, Stephane, Haiti, ton pays que tu aimais tant, puisque tu y es revenu pour y travailler et y faire ta vie, Haiti te demande pardon, car ils sont devenu fous! Combien
d'hommes, de femmes, d'enfants, anonymes ou connus sont assassines chaque jour dans notre beau pays ou il faisait si bon de vivre? Oui, Haiti vous demande a tous ceux la, pardon aussi.
Mon ami, je te dis adieu. Adieu sans meme t'avoir connu, car je suis persuadee qu'on aurait ete les meilleurs amis sur facebook. J'aurais vu grandir tes enfants, regarder tes photos de famille et celles de tes voyages, car comme tu le dis sur ta page tu aimais voyager et visiter le monde. J'aurais pu te mettre des "like" sur toute tes photos. Je vais te faire sourire de la-haut, mais j'adore mettre des "like", car cela fait toujours plaisir a nos amis de facebook, et bien sur a moi aussi.
Stephane, ne m'en veut pas d'etre si bavarde et permets moi de presenter toutes mes condoleances emues a ta famille.
Bon voyage Stephane.
Ton amie,
Michele B. Duvalier
Paris, France
Le 16 Juin 2017

#Haiti #socialmedia

Senator Marco Rubio